Successful women have more manly features

Interesting article for sharing :

Is  it always good to look like one of those nubile Japanese and South Korean models? You know, those with the round doe-like watery eyes, the small rosebud mouth, the dainty nose and the V-shaped chin?
In the world of Mian Xiang, the balance of yin and yang is extremely important. Women shouldn’t look all yin, and men shouldn’t look all yang.Yin is the gentle energy, the nurturing and more compassionate energy whereas yang energy is associated with the can-do and action- oriented abilities.
You will notice that tycoons always have strong yang features, but their features are complemented by yin (the soft flesh) which gives them ample cheekbones, and a wide and fleshy double chin.

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Anna Hoo




怪自己吃不完? (要不要硬硬吞下肚子吃完,然后肚子涨找辛苦?)
要求厨师打包? (有可能,不过如果分量剩不多,又烦恼)
要求餐馆帮你冷藏起来,下一趟过来再吃? (恩,有点过分,而且不新鲜,会不会发霉不可知)

通常就算了,让餐馆解决好了。 (丢掉?喂猫/狗吃?回收?通常餐馆会丢掉。)



其中一个例子是皮下填充液(dermal filler),收费通常是随着分量而定,也有的随着到底用了多少的针筒分量(一只大概0.7mls,有的1.0mls, 有的2.0mls)








医生的收费除了使用的货品,其实还包括很多看不到的费用,诊所的租金,疗程环境的投资,器材的费用,员工的薪金费用,电费,医生的时间,精神,和最重要的= 技术










·         施针的部位局部麻木,疼痛,肿胀,和乌青:可以在接受治疗前后冰敷,可减少疼痛肿胀,在接受治疗后也建议不要进行剧烈运动,以免血行加速或增多而让症状更严重。
·         暂时性头痛:主要出现在一些说话习惯性抬眉的病人,或近视者(习惯皱眉来集中视力),可吃止痛药消痛,或在2-3周内自行消失。
·         上眼皮下垂
·         下眼皮眼睫毛内长
·         眉型变换
·         上唇无力,吞咽困难,声线变换
·         面部表情僵硬呆板,双边的脸上肌肉活动不对称:主要出现于治疗鱼尾纹者,由于注射点位置过低或剂量过大,影响到颧大肌,颧小肌,在病人笑时感觉到两侧面颊部不能上提。
·         局部凹陷:主要出现在打肉毒杆菌素瘦脸的病人,施针者两边咬肌注射的肉毒杆菌素分量不对,或地点部位欠佳,就会造成此不良效果。
·         肌肉无力:分量太多,原本是减少除皱结果变麻痹肌肉。
·         视力模糊:在眼睛部位的施针,稍不慎或分量过多会令眼轮匝肌,睫状肌麻痹而造成此效果。
·         眉型改变:通常初学的施针者会有此效果,如上图的Mr Spock眉型,不过这是可以改善的。



Dermal Filler Selection

Dermal fillers are medical prescription products used to treat volume loss, fine lines, wrinkles, and repair facial imperfections, eg hollow cheeks or scars. 

If you are interested in dermal fillers as a treatment option, it's important to first understand the different types of dermal fillers, how treatment is administered, and the possible side effects.

We would like to share 2 most important tips on filler selection.  

What are the qualities of a good/safe dermal filler?

    • Proven Safety Record
    • Reversible If Problematic
    • Visible Result
    • Reasonable Longevity

An ideal filer would be one that has 

Proven safety record

    You would like your filler from a reputable company which produce their product with the highest quality. The product must have undergone vigorous studies to ensure its effectiveness, safety and stability. The manufacturer should have the strictest production standards to ensure that their product has consistent, reproducible results and importantly, the defect rate or the rate of the results its product gives deviating from the expected is close to zero. The product has to stand the test of time. It has to show that the product does not cause problems after administration today, and in days to come if used within the prescribed way. 
    These products may not come cheap but you know that these products share a common idea with you - no compromise in terms of quality when it come to your health.  
    You don’t want to be the first person to use a certain product and end up being scared.

Reversible If Problematic

There is no one in this world who can promise you that the injection material and the injection technique will be the perfect one every time you undergo any procedure. You would like to know that when somethings goes wrong, your doctor would be happy to assist you with the correction without having to go through the knife.

  Permanent lip filler

Patient : Doc, i don’t like my lips, it’s getting bigger over time.
Doctor : Oh dear, you are the one in a million to have this reaction. I will schedule you for a lips filler removal operation. The cost is USD 20000, a discounted price.
Patient  : Why is the correction so much more expensive then the filler, you charged me USD 2000 2 years back?
Doctor  : ... ...

Many people fall trap into being prey of permanent / semi permanent filler. The injector may sell you the idea that permanent filler lasts longer and hence you do not need to undergo repeated injections. The fact is, human ages with time. No matter how permanent a filler is, volume loss is ongoing and there will be constant need for further volume replacement. Even after permanent filler injection, one would still require future volume touch up from time to time. So with and without permanent filler injections, one would still require the top up treatment. The apparent saving is not there.  

But what you were not told was the fact that once the permanent filler is injected into your body, your body will not have any mechanism to dissolve it. The permanent filler ended up staying in the body for the rest of one’s life. To remove it, one will have to seek the help of a plastic surgeon to remove it surgically. The process of filler removal is a tedious job and even in the best hands, the fillers may not be completely removed in toto. 

The other risk is, permanent filler is being recognized as foreign body and in some patients, it attracts inflammation. Chronic inflammation forms granulation tissues or scar tissue which increases the actual “volume” of the fillers over time. One may find the areas treated with permanent filler growing over time and the 
treated area may disfigure.  To rectify this problem, surgery, will be required. 

Visible result 
Filler is a substance that is introduced by means of injection into the face to corect signs of aging. There are many ways to classify fillers. Time and again, I have emphasized the benefit of non permenanr filler over its permenant counterpart. I would like to introduce a new classification ie volumetric filler vs stimulatory filler.

Almost all registered fillers in the Malaysian market will have volumetric filling effect. Which means that immediately after the injection, our body will react towards the filler and create a volume effect to the targeted area, giving the treatment area a fuller contour, more supple skin. The more void to fill, the more volume is required.

Some of the commonest fillers are HyaluronicAcid Filler and Calcium Hydroxyapatite

On the other hand, new discovery allows us to manipulate the fillers in such a way that they create a stimulative effect. Which means the filler encourages generation of new collagen while improves blood supply to the skin, giving the skin a its glow. Unlike volumetric filler, the effect is not immediate. What more is that the treatment has to be done in a series of injections. This is because different people react differently to the treatment. The same treatment may cause overstimulation in one but under stimulation in another. That's why this treatment needs to be meticulously tailored to individual skin response in order to get the optimal results. After the treatment, patients do experience improvement in the skin texture and there is a gradual lifting effect, improving the sagging of the skin.

Most stimulatory fillers are semi permanent/permanent filler.

The commonest filler in this group being Poly-L-Lactic Acid.

As an advocate of biodegradable filler, I tended to do things differently. Imagine getting yourself injected with something that stay forever and getting it done under multiple sessions. I would still stick to non permanent/biodegradable filler. The longevity is reasonable, lasting 9 months to a year. More importantly, it is safe and degradable. Patient still enjoys good looks and has the ability to adjust his/her facial contour according to his/her age.In contrast if permanent filler is being injected into the face, we will have difficulty in adjusting the treated face end up having to go for surgical removal of the permanent fillers.

Small tips on filler injection. 
Do ask for reputable doctor to do the injection. And do keep a record of the filler injected to your face. It’s consider as a part of your medical record and you have to know it.

As the closing of the chapter in Dermafiller sellection. Many have fallen trap thinking and I do not want you to be part of it.


by Anna Hoo

Important Tips on Dermafiller Selection

Visible result 
Filler is a substance that is introduced by means of injection into the face to corect signs of aging. There are many ways to classify fillers. Time and again, I have emphasized the benefit of non permenanr filler over its permenant counterpart. I would like to introduce a new classification ie volumetric filler vs stimulatory filler.

Almost all registered fillers in the Malaysian market will have volumetric filling effect. Which means that immediately after the injection, our body will react towards the filler and create a volume effect to the targeted area, giving the treatment area a fuller contour, more supple skin. The more void to fill, the more volume is required.

Some of the commonest fillers are HyaluronicAcid Filler and Calcium Hydroxyapatite

On the other hand, new discovery allows us to manipulate the fillers in such a way that they create a stimulative effect. Which means the filler encourages generation of new collagen while improves blood supply to the skin, giving the skin a its glow. Unlike volumetric filler, the effect is not immediate. What more is that the treatment has to be done in a series of injections. This is because different people react differently to the treatment. The same treatment may cause overstimulation in one but under stimulation in another. That's why this treatment needs to be meticulously tailored to individual skin response in order to get the optimal results. After the treatment, patients do experience improvement in the skin texture and there is a gradual lifting effect, improving the sagging of the skin.

Most stimulatory fillers are semi permanent/permanent filler.

The commonest filler in this group being Poly-L-Lactic Acid.

As an advocate of biodegradable filler, I tended to do things differently. Imagine getting yourself injected with something that stay forever and getting it done under multiple sessions. I would still stick to non permanent/biodegradable filler. The longevity is reasonable, lasting 9 months to a year. More importantly, it is safe and degradable. Patient still enjoys good looks and has the ability to adjust his/her facial contour according to his/her age.In contrast if permanent filler is being injected into the face, we will have difficulty in adjusting the treated face end up having to go for surgical removal of the permanent fillers.

Small tips on filler injection. 
Do ask for reputable doctor to do the injection. And do keep a record of the filler injected to your face. It’s consider as a part of your medical record and you have to know it.

As the closing of the chapter in Dermafiller sellection. Many have fallen trap thinking and I do not want you to be part of it.


by Anna Hoo

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